The commercial strategy
To sell, every company needs a commercial strategy that allows sales forces and commercial budgets to be focused on the right targets and with the right means. Selling is the only way to generate turnover, ensuring you have an effective approach is an important factor in entrepreneurial success.
To attract customers, occupy a sales segment and generate significant sales volumes, it is necessary to use commercial and marketing means to achieve profitability and profit objectives.
Business strategy: definition
The commercial strategy must make it possible to achieve the sales objectives defined in the business model and corporate strategy. Marketing and sales resources are implemented in coordination to conquer new market shares and increase sales.
The commercial strategy is based on the 4P marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, Promotion. This marketing strategy also applies to SMEs, small businesses, EURLs or companies. It makes it possible to define a commercial strategy consistent with the state of the market, based on what emerges from market studies and competitive analyses. The 4P marketing concept makes it possible to define a commercial strategy specific to each company.
The commercial strategy, to achieve the objectives set by the business manager, is based on the strategic recommendations resulting from internal and external diagnostics: the SWOT matrix . Continually evaluated, the commercial strategy, designed in the short and medium term, is also based on constant competitive monitoring, monitoring indicators, feedback, in order to be continually adjusted to maintain its relevance in the commercial environment. .
Marketing strategy and communication strategy
The 4P marketing mix contains both the marketing strategy and the communication strategy.
It is he who leads the entire commercial strategy of the product. The two strategic levels are closely correlated and must work within a common vision to achieve common goals.
The commercial strategy only comes into play after the development of a global business strategy , since it transcribes at the level of the products and their marketing all the branding , the brand strategy of the company. To then define the commercial strategy, you must study the product, pricing, distribution and communication policies of each element and determine a policy that suits your company and your situation.
Product policy
The “product” is what is sold by the company. It may as well be services. Product policy considers the product according to its particular characteristics. What range does it belong to? How does it fit into the range? Is it available in different shapes, colors, sizes? The product policy covers the entire life of the product, from design to marketing and beyond with after-sales services, guarantees, recycling, customer and consumer relations, etc.
Pricing policy
It takes care of the selling price of the product: cost price, margins, net profits, discounts, volume, promotions, payment terms, etc. Anything that can impact the price directly or indirectly.
The distribution policy
She is interested in how products reach customers, how they are sold and distributed. Direct sales, BtoB, BtoC, partner distribution network, wholesaler, brand boutiques? What storage and delivery of goods? Warehouses with stock, just-in-time, home delivery? Carriers? A clear and structured distribution policy makes it possible to sell effectively and thus satisfy customers. Its cogs must be well oiled and constantly monitored.
The communications policy
She takes care of making the product known. It ensures notoriety to attract customers, increase customer share, build loyalty, increase sales volumes, etc.
She is interested in all aspects of communication, from product packaging , advertising to public relations. Communication must faithfully reflect in the eyes of the public the identity of the brand and the company, as well as its strategy thought out upstream.
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