
Investing your money: 10 investments to invest in 2024

Investing your money

Investing your money: 10 investments to invest in 2024


Each new year brings its share of questions about the strategy to follow for your savings. Should you stay the course or adjust your portfolio to take advantage of new opportunities? The question is all the more important as the economic environment has evolved significantly. In this context, how can you make 2024 a profitable year for your assets?

If you want more information about investing your money, you can contact one of our 150 advisors. It will help you think about your goals and the level of risk you want to expose yourself to.

A little neglected in recent years due to a constant decline in its returns, the euro fund is in the process of making a comeback. The average rate increased from 1.28% in 2021 to almost 2% in 2022 (net of levy on outstandings and before social security contributions), according to the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR).

This increase is expected to continue this year: thanks in particular to bonus offers, the return on euro funds could reach up to 4% in 2023.

Why are euro funds interesting in 2024?

The rise in interest rates to an unprecedented level is favorable to euro funds , mainly composed of bonds. But this increase is too recent to be fully reflected in the returns on euro funds served in 2023 and for 2024. This is where the second reason, which relates to commercial policy, comes into play. Insurers want to collect funds in euros, to invest in bonds with high rates. They also want to be competitive with other risk-free investments, such as Livret A.

Consequence of all this: the performance Investing your money bonuses, which appeared in 2023, are renewed this year. These offers provide better remuneration for the return on the euro fund, subject to a minimum investment and/or unit of account assets. These bonuses also provide visibility: they guarantee a minimum rate for 2024 or even in certain cases for 2025, as long as the conditions are met, while an easing f rates is expected during the year.

How life insurance works: an essential financial investment

Taking out a life insurance contract meets the financial objective of building up capital over time. Depending on a specific savings capacity, it is possible to fund the contract at any time through one-off payments or to make regular savings through scheduled payments.

Who is this for?

Depending on the supports chosen, life insurance adapts to your needs and your risk profile. In addition to offering easily available savings, it allows you to meet numerous wealth objectives (build up capital, receive additional income, pass on your assets, protect your spouse, etc.).

How to invest your money in life insurance?

It is entirely possible to choose your life insurance contract yourself, the research will be longer and the result less precise than that of an advisor used to analyzing the needs of his clients. To benefit from personalized advice, contact one of our 150 expert wealth management advisors.

What is a structured product?

Accessible in a life insurance contract , capitalization contract or even a securities account, structured products are diversification tools which combine several financial assets (bonds, shares, indices, etc.). These products provide visibility on your investments because the operating mechanism (lifespan, level of capital protection, yield) are established in advance, based on different market scenarios.

Why are structured funds interesting in 2024?

Each structured product is unique, because it is constructed according to the market context. The high rates and volatility of current markets make it possible to have products with an optimized return/risk ratio according to your needs. For example, today we can find products which aim for a return of 5% per year while offering a total capital guarantee at maturity. There are also structured products which target a return of 8% per year , but with capital protection at maturity which applies up to a 20% drop in the underlying.

This investment is considered with a view to diversification. Before any investment, you must ensure that you have fully understood the mechanisms of the product and the risks it involves, in particular the risk of loss of capital.

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